Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dealing with it all..

Okay, once again I am guilty for not updating in a few weeks. So much has been going on lately and I have been super busy!

My last post was right before Christmas, so I will start from there.
Christmas Eve morning, Derrick, his family and I all went to get pictures made. (So excited to see how they turned out!) After finishing that up, we spent the rest of the morning at my moms house opening presents and we had a big Christmas "brunch". The day continued on and I was just so happy to be with all the people I love. The next day we celebrated Christmas at his house, once again opening gifts. There was no rushing around, no planning or places to go, we spent the day hanging out watching movies and it was the best. We got Derrick all packed up and that Monday morning he was back on the road to North Carolina!

For the last and final time, Derricks date for deployment got pushed back to the 4th of January. Unfortunately, he didn't get to come home for New Year's since his date was within a 48 hour time frame, so that was kind of sad. I spent the night working and then I came straight home, changed into my pj's and went to bed. :-) No other way I would have wanted the night to end, unless with Derrick, of course.

After everything, I packed up my things and left on the 3rd to go to North Carolina. The day I never thought would come, well it finally did. He left at 5:30 Wednesday morning and it broke my heart watching him leave. I never imagined being a military wife, but I have to admit that I enjoy every bit of it; the good and the bad. Derrick has been gone for a week now and I'm happy to say that I am doing wonderful. The joy of waking up to e-mails and talking to him at night is what keeps me going. It's a whole lot easier then I ever expected it to be and I am so thankful for that. No exact word on when he will be coming home, but as of right now, it's not looking to be as long as we expected, which is AWESOME! :-) Oh yeah! I made my first care package and I'm already addicted to it. I had so much fun and I can't wait to start on  the next one! This package's theme was 'Valentine's Day!'. The next one is going to be 'Military Survival Kit'! Can't wait!!

Best wife award? I think yes!

I have been working out sooo much lately! My one and only New Year's resolution was that I was going to start exercising and working out for BCT. The last thing I wanted to do was get to Fort Jackson and get my butt handed to me, so of course I'm sticking with it. :-) I would say I'm doing pretty dang good too since I only started a week ago!!

So far I can do:
Sit-ups: 45 (in 2 minutes)
Push-ups: 19 (stopped at 30 seconds cause they kick my butt!)
Run: 1 mile (in 9:32)

What I need:
Sit-ups: 53 (in 2 minutes)
Push-ups: 19 (in 2 minutes)
Run: 2 miles (in 18:54)

I'm so close on the sit-ups and I can do all the push-ups I need! Now over the next month I mainly have to focus on my run! I have faith in myself that I can do it though so I'm gonna give it my all to get this rank.

Well I think that's all the update I have for now! I'm gonna try to update this thing atleast 5 or 6 more times before I leave. My date that I leave for Fort Jackson, SC is March 6! I'm so excited!

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