Friday, January 13, 2012

Care package addiction?

Is that even possible?
I have never been one to enjoy spending money on other people for the heck of it. 
That sounds so selfish, but it's the truth. 

After I finished Derrick's first care package on Wednesday and got it in the mail, I got so bored sitting around and realized how much fun and how much I enjoyed making it. I stayed up last night decorating his 2nd box! Crazy, I know. But! I'm not shipping this one until at least February. I mean, I can't spoil the man THAT much... I wouldn't want to make the other soldiers completely jealous or anything ;)

The theme of this care package though is going to be "Military Survival Kit". I found the idea on a website online and thought it was so so cute! So I'm going to try it, and hope it works! Here's a picture of the box so far. Not sure if I want to do anything else to it and I definitely haven't bought anything to put it it yet.

Example of the kinds of things that will go in here:
Lifesavers - to remind you that that's what you are
Pack of Gum - to help your unit stick together
Sample pack of Excedrin - Thank you, I know this job can be a headache
Map of USA - so you will never be far from home.
A Starburst - To give you a burst of energy on days when you don't have any
Body wash - To make sure you are squeaky clean at all times

That's just a few of the many on the list! I'm so excited to see how it turns out. :-)
Hope everyone has a great day!

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